Thursday, February 15, 2007

Build A Rock Climbing Wall

So you want to know how to build a rock climbing wall, right?

Good, let's get started.

Building a rock climbing wall can be a great way to get a workout and prepare yourself for climbing without having to get out of the house.

Many climbers use their home rock climbing wall to build strength and to train. Home walls are so great because you don't need to have a climbing gym near by to climb and train.

There are four steps you need to follow to build a rock climbing wall.

First step

Planning your rock climbing wall. During this step you will decide exactly what you want out of your rock climbing wall.

Do you want the wall inside or outside? What shapes, features and size do you want your wall to be? You will also want to begin drawing out the type of wall you want and begin to develop an estimate of how much your wall is going to cost.

Second Step

Designing your wall.

During the design you will begin to calculate exactly how much the wall will cost and exactly what supplies you will need. The technicalities will also be worked out here.

You will begin to figure your specific cut angles, your framework, joints and other important features of your wall. You will also need to clear any technical problems that may arise. Here you will need to decide what kind of effects the elements will have on your wall if it is outside.

Will your wall suffer from being rained or snowed on?

One way to sustain the life of your wall is to use marine board. This is more expensive but if you live in a rainy area, you will find the board to be well worth it.

Third Step

The fun part of building your wall. If you enjoy building this will be the best part of building your home rock-climbing wall. The reality of your wall will slowly come to life through this process.

Fourth step

Is the finishing of the wall.

We’re not quite cranking the holds on just yet, but we’re getting close. This phase involves the finishing of the wall surface, paint, and applying texture.

You will also need to consider what your fallzone is going to be. Are you going to have padding such as mattresses or gym pads?

After you build a rock climbing wall, you can begin to crank your holds on and build your routes.

If the wall is outside, be prepared for your bolts to rust over. If you don’t plan on rearranging holds very often, you will typically not have much to worry about.

If you do want to move holds around, it may be difficult unscrew them once they have become rusted. You can also find holds pretty cheap if you hit your local climbing gyms.

Many times they replace their old holds and will give you or sell you their old holds at a pretty low price. You may also be able to find holds from manufacturers that are clearing out old styles.

Once you get your wall up, you will be excited and can climb whenever you want.

There will come a time when you get used to the wall and it’s not as thrilling as it was once before. Keep yourself motivated by adding to the wall and developing new routes.

The more challenges you can give yourself the more apt you are to continue training on your wall.

I hope this helps you understand what it takes to build a rock climbing wall.

Climb strong climb safe,