Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Rock Climbing: Start Local And Go Global

Many people are drawn to the sport of rock climbing because it allows them the opportunity to see the world from a unique vantage point. If you are a fitness buff who loves to travel, rock climbing can help you indulge your passion for exploration while you push yourself to reach your athletic goals.

People who fall in love with this unique sport often build their vacations around the opportunity to explore notable and exciting climbing routes, and more than one climber has traveled the world with the goal of reaching the highest peaks and enjoying the most stunning vistas on the planet. When you take up rock climbing as a pastime, you are opening up a whole new world of sightseeing possibilities.

If you are new to the world of rock climbing, the best thing you can do is gain skills in your region before you head out to more exotic locales. If you invest some time in improving your technique and becoming familiar with the tools of the trade before you hit the road, you will find you are ready to enjoy the challenges that unfamiliar terrain provides. Even if you don’t live in the midst of a stunning mountain range, with a bit of research you will probably be able to find several satisfactory climbing routes within a day’s journey, or at least close enough to be a plausible destination for a long weekend’s vacation.

If you start your rock climbing journey by finding some good routes and experienced climbers in your area, you can be sure you will be ready to make the most of the opportunities that will come your way when you do eventually travel to stunning foreign destinations.

Most veteran climbers agree that whether you are interested in “sport” climbs, which are usually short in duration and fairly easy to complete, or “trad” climbs, which are more challenging in terms of both difficulty and endurance, the ideal way to learn your way around the rocks is by following a leader who is competent and confident with climbing equipment and technique.

Some climbers are self taught, but trying to climb without an experienced guide often leads to injuries and mistakes that could easily have been avoided if a teacher had been present. A master climber can help you achieve your goals while making sure you are taking the necessary safety precautions at every step along the way.

Thanks to the Internet, finding a ready and willing climb leader is easier today than ever. Rock climbing message boards are popping up all over the world, and spending some time reading the information on these boards can be very beneficial for both novice and experienced climbers.

By posting on a popular climbing site you can find leaders in almost any region of the world, including yours. In addition to offering you the chance to link up with other climbers in your area, the athletes and hobbyists who frequent these websites can offer you tips on the best equipment, and firsthand accounts of what it is like to tackle the different routes in your area.

Gray Rollins is a featured writer for RockClimbingHelp.com. To learn more about rock clmibing techniques and rock climbing training, visit us.